4 Tips For Best eCommerce Product Description

4 Tips for best ecommerce product description

When users click on a product, they usually read the product description.  Who wouldn’t want to know more details about the product they are purchasing? Did you know that search engine algorithms prefer unique product description writing? Therefore, it is super important that the descriptions for each product are written to the best they could. Here are 4 tips for best eCommerce product description

1. Know Your Audience

Who are you targeting? Obviously, the product description is going to look different for each audience. For example, if you are targeting a male-based audience, you aren’t going to use phrases like “Oh my God this is so hot for a night out.” More seriously, males and females have different interests and it can really help to focus the descriptions on those interests to make them more likely to buy what you’re selling. 

Chanel Product Description
Chanel Product Description

As seen on princesspolly.com 

2. Be very detailed

The most annoying thing is when you are shopping for a product and do not have all the information. For clothes, that can be all the measurements, a size chart, and the model’s measurements. Sometimes, customers will not purchase a product based on the fact that they are scared the sizing won’t fit. Even with jewelry stores or any product, it is necessary to provide the appropriate measurements and information. Adding onto this, a Q & A is always a good idea as it gives customers the ability to ask any questions that may not be in the description. Lastly, allowing customers to leave their rating for the product really influences the customer’s willingness to purchase a product. Online shopping can be really tough as you cannot try on the product until you receive it, so being specific and providing the most content possible can assure you the biggest success. 

L'occitane Product Description
L'occitane Product Description
L'occitane Product Description

As seen on loccitane.com

Amazon Product Description

As seen on amazon.com

3. Make the content easy to take in

Of course, photos for the product are very important. Even more important, it is always preferred to provide a video if possible in order to see the product “in motion,” see the fit in action. It is proven that videos are better than pictures. People spend 88% more time on a website that has a video. In regards to the description, keep it organized and in bullet points; clean and easy to read make the best descriptions. Don’t include too much wording and unnecessary information. 

4. Give each description a personal touch


Each product is unique in its functioning. Make sure your customers know that. It is always nice to read a short specific description of what a product can be used for. Did you know that 90% of purchasing decisions are made subconsciously and heavily influenced by emotions? What does this mean? That users need to be convinced that they need your product. In order to do this, show them what the product looks like for them by being personal. 

For example: “This bodysuit is perfect for a date night out paired with a pair of jeans and leather jacket!” 

This can really help create an image in the customer’s head of what the product can look like when included in their everyday lives. It also helps to differentiate the product from other products on your website. Why should users want to buy this specific product? Does the product go together with other products? You can write this in your description and also use a recommender in the description to link to other products. 

prettylittlething.us product page

As seen on prettylittlething.us 

nununu Product Description

As seen on nununuworld.com

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L'occitane case study shopper

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